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Musick and expretion

Hi its my starting dubsmash video for my blog  hop you will enjoy it.

Monday 27 February 2017

Masterbating tomuch ??control your self.

No doubt, doing this gives you much pleasure, but other than this satisfaction there are some side effects recorded by a survey report. Which shows that doing it too much leads to some issues which directly affect your overall personality. So you must have control on your self. Following is the list of how doing it excessively affects you.

A person who is engage in too much this thing, will experience hair loss. but if you’ve noticed sudden hair loss, Immediately avoid it..
Yes there is so much fun doing it and works as stress reliever, but keep this in your mind that this is also hurting your little buddy TOO much!
It turns into an endless need; you’ll create consistent need to do it, even after you’ve regularly done. You feel an enthusiastic need to do it progressively.
You will not feel satisfy with even multiple partners, reason is because you are doing it too much and you are more satisfied by doing it with your hand.
Yes, it hurts, The most telling sign you’re going excessively hard with the wanking is whether you start to feel pain after different rounds…
Doing it too much will lead  to a much problem like not getting your little guy up during x relation, and you will not have desire to have x with your partner it you are not going to stop doing too much.
You prefer doing this than having x with your partner, which will lead to ruin your relationship.
You’re needing it day and night, not able to concentrate on whatever else going ahead in your life! You don’t wanna be that person indiscreetly busy in the Walmart bathroom isn’t that right?

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